
Today in P.E. we started a new unit… Basketball. I hate basketball. I suck at basketball!!! Basketball is so boring. I just hate it so much, like there is just no point! Also, I cant shoot the ball. I’m not even kidding when I say I have tried to shoot the ball at least ten times today and not once have I gotten it in the hoop. It’s not like I completely miss I mean I usually hit the rim or something, but I can never get it in. Someone came up to me and tried to take the ball so i just hid it behind my back but she still caught it. And after that to make matters worse I am just being told that we have time to squeeze in one more game.  ” YAY!”, I say out loud sarcastically. But after that we finished and that was my only moment of happy for the P.E. day!

3 thoughts on “Basketball

  1. You don’t suck at it you wrecked me when you took the ball away from me!!

  2. I feel your pain, I can’t dribble and overall I just suck.

  3. We just finished our Basketball unit over at Mercer. I don’t normally like basketball but when you are doing it with friends it can be really fun. I mean basketball can be bad and boring if you let it.

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